There are eleven bands with the name "Chainsaw": The first of at least six CHAINSAWs in the metal toolshed, this lot of German headbangers released two 4-song demo tapes in 1985 â€" you’re about to hear the first. Years before speed metal would become the slick, processed assault spit by the likes of Bay Area’s best, biker rats like these guys struggled to hold onto their British Steel-era Priest roots after getting kicked in the ass by Metallica’s Kill ‘Em All.
Download Chainsaw Mp3 Albums  | Chainsaw Bike Crazy Germans |
 | V8 Chainsaw This is a monster V8 chainsaw cutting through a huge log in seconds. |
 | chainsaw powered motorized skateboard a 32cc chainsaw really makes this skateboard go.also learn how it's made. |
 | Chainsaw Museum We visit a fantasic museum devoted to chainsaws and it is a private collection built by a Stihl rep. The entire history of chainsaws on display! |
There music is a Melodic influenced Heavy Metal. They've just released their 4th album called "EVILUTION" Discography: - ELECTRIC WIZARDS* - THE JOURNEY INTO THE HEART OF DARKNESS - A SIN ACT - EVILUTION Their early, unprofessional albums: - METAL WORKS - FROGS - LIVE AT KUŹNIA - SECOND STEPS - MC - FIRST STEPS - MC - CHAINSAW *album released under the name "The Chainsaw" due to copyright issues http://www. chainsaw. pl/ 3) Chainsaw are a Japanese hardcore band that formed in 1991. Discography: Ever Live This Life Cassette Tape No Need Welfare EP Louder Than God!! EP Nothing Will Change EP Split CD With R
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